So Paul Kannady of multi-Ironman finishing fame comes in the other day and notices the sizeable guns on team AJBW rider Michael Michaels. Typical comments were made regarding his pythons and then someone suggested getting a measurement. Nate came through with the tape struggling to wrap it around the behemoth of a muscle. We were all stunned. Next thing you know everyone's competitive side surfaced and we're all getting our guns measured.
Be the first to match the measurements with the correct bicep owner and get your choice of a free limited edition AJBW T-shirt or limited edition AJBW hat. Excludes all competitors in Bicepathon 2008. Here are the dimensions for me, Nate, Ethan, Michael, and Paul:
Leave your answer in the form of a comment on this post. Good luck to all!
Leave your answer in the form of a comment on this post. Good luck to all!
Is it safe to come into the shop with the Bicepathons running loose?
it's totally safe we usually have them leashed up
i think nate has the 14.25' guns. michael is 12.25
michael, drew, paul, ethan, nate in biggest to smallest order. Where's my hat?
Philip R
You're close Philip
michael, paul, nate, drew, ethan
Dudes. Look we all know that Ethan puts everyone to shame with his gargantuan 14.25" guns that he keeps well polished for the ladies at band camp. Otherwise, all the other cards can fall where the may.
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