
Sunday Sesh at FATS

The weather was perfect on Sunday. If you didn't ride, you had better be dead or in jail (that line was courtesy of an old Beavis and Butthead episode). Kim J did the SORBA Women's MTB Ride so Ross, Dustin, Lee, Taylor, Eli, and I met up for a sesh of our own. It involved calories being burned and good times being had. We also had kids (Eli & Taylor) learning what they should bring on their next MTB ride (I say next as they were ill-prepared for this one), how to properly hydrate, and how to fix a flat on the trail. It felt like "Take a Kid MTB'ing Day", but only it wasn't "Take a Kid MTB'ing Day". It was an adventure for sure, but that's what keeps riding fun!

My really home-made stencil artwork.

Eli + Taylor = no tube and no idea.





Anonymous said...

The weather should be like that everyday - it was perfect! Good ride. I'm outta shape.

Drew Jordan said...

You and me both. Gotta start training...

Ross said...

Should've read Eli + Taylor "dumb and dumber" Sorry, just look at the photo and that situation and you'll agree...

Drew Jordan said...

I think kids play dumb in an effort to get out of doing something themselves.