Cruisin in Claxton
The ACC Holds it Down!
Check out more pics from the cross race on the AJBW Flickr Page.
Behold...The Date Bike!
Ironman 70.3, Success for Augusta!
Yeah it's kinda old news now, but from what I've been seeing, folks are still pretty stoked. And for good reason 'cause the Augusta IM70.3 went off without a hitch. I don't recall any negative feedback from any of the local participants and I've had some out-of-towners send emails thanking us for our support. Yeah I just patted AJBW on the back. But there would be no back patting without some help. So here's some shout outs.
Brian B - Flew in from Hell Paso to get his hands dirty. The Meticulous Mechanic was on deck, assembling bikes, fixing up bikes for ill-prepared racers at check-in, and pumping tires on race day. Could not have pulled it off without this dude.
James B - Our Giant Bicycles sales rep made the trip from NC to help out at the expo and talk about the super sick, super duper new full carbon Giant Tri bikes.
Paul K, Bobby W, and Meg S - Aided Kim in managing over 3,000 AJBW expo booth visitors on Saturday!
Jason K - Helped us out at the store stalling customers as they waited for us to help them, answered the phone, etc.
Mark S - Expedited expo tear down and pack up with the team van!
So IM weekend was a long, hectic, chaotic, stressful, and exhausting undertaking, but it was also very rewarding. We got to meet some great people from all over the world and we got to make some miracles happen (well they were miracles for the people we were helping out). I'm very glad to get the first one under the belt as the anticipation of the unknown was almost paralyzing. Team AJBW stood strong, manned-up, and emerged victorious. Thanks to everyone who helped and congratulations to all the competitors. We look forward to next year!
Me re-installing a rear wheel correctly.
Brian changes the eleventy-billionth flat of race-day morning.
Nasty Nate repairing a valve extender for a 200mm aero wheel.
Canal Crown Race 4 - Grand Finale
John Pilcher, Canal Crown Tree Massacre!
The Sport class is always a good race and this time it was no different. Brian Williams kept doing what he does and landed the 3 spot. He just barely knocked Jimmy C off the podium. Speaking of Jimmy C, I'm pretty sure there's nothing left of the stairs as he completely crushed them on the climb. I swear there were chunks of wood flying off his back tire. What made this race really unique was the fact there was a tie for first place between Kris "I only do the clockwise races" Fausnight and Bobby "I swear I'm not a sandbagger" Boham. Being that we've never had a tie we really didn't know what to do. We threw around some good, and not so good, ideas then somebody said let 'em chug for the win. Obviously there was no arm twisting necessary there. So they chose their poison from my cooler, we got the megaphone ready, and they proceeded to do their impression of a young man at Kappa Alpha rush week. Being that Kris's can was empty and Bobby had Miller Lite all over him, Kris got the win! Could you imagine if everything was settled that way?
Last, but certainly not least was my favorite, the beginner class. It's really good to see people step out of their comfort zone and give something new a try. Most of the beginner class is folks that have never raced and in some cases never ridden the trail. It's all in the name of fun, and fun was had. Jerry Murphy put it down once again and landed himself in third (must be that vintage dirt bike racing). There must be something in the water because Bob Kogel, Matt's dad, landed himself in second place as well. And then first place went to not only someone making their race debut, but also the youngest competitor. Josh Boham came out and cleaned house in the beginner class. Someone is definitely moving up to sport next year, maybe even expert if he keeps things up.
But the real highlight of the evening was not the racers with the fastest times or the ones with the best placing. This goes back to the idea of trying something new. My wife Kim had contemplated doing one of the CCTT's each time, but it never seemed to happen (probably because she was always helping set up or taking registration). While she was signing people up at race 4 she was going back and forth with the idea giving it a try. She pre-rode the course, she had all her gear with her, but the struggle continued. To back track a little we let the beginner and sport class go first this time. Kim was still torn, but it was too late to jump in as the group was finishing up. That is until Jeff G showed up. Jeff races the beginner class and was running behind schedule, or on time as we typically run the beginners last. So we told Jeff to hurry up, sign in, and run after the last expert racer goes off. So Kim signed him in, I gave him a number plate, and he was ready. Then like a phoenix rising through the flames, Kim throws down the pen, puts on her helmet, and says screw it I'm racing. At this point I was freaking out and trying to get her pumped up at the start. While my efforts may have been appreciated, as I look back I was probably doing more harm than good. Off she goes into what is becoming darkness. I know my wife well and I know she's not a fan of the woods at night. I'm hoping she makes it back out of the trail before the sun falls over the Canal Jungle. Almost 18.5 minutes later, Kim crosses the finish line, 1.5 minutes faster than her original goal. I asked her how it went and she said it was getting really dark, really quick and she was trying to keep the boogey man from getting her! She definitely earned a pat on the back for that one. I have a feeling Kim will be putting down the sign-up sheets and picking up her bike next year!
Kim Jordan gets out of the woods just in time!
Canal Crown Time Trial Race #3
Dustin's boss, Mark M, came out for the race and ended up with first place in the Sport class. Not bad for not knowing the trail and pretty much being new to mtb'ing. Big Jim Culpepper made his race debut with a third place finish. Must have been that pre-race Red Bull! I swear you could feel the Earth shaking when he came down the stairs. Philip "J is for Genius" Roberson also made his debut and shattered his personal record! Becca Phelan represented things for the girls in the Sport class. She was able to beat out five other male racers times! On top of that, I think she wrecked like 3 times doing it!
Jimmy C blows up the trail with his aggressive riding style!!
So there were lots of first timers, lots of familiar faces, and lots of fun. This whole thing is going even better than dg and I had thought. I can't believe there's only one race to go in the series. If you haven't made it out, mark your calendar for August 27. Come out, kick up some dirt, and have fun!
AJBW Comic, No. 2 of...Until Chris gets bored doing 'em.
Canal Crown Race 2
Race 2 had everyone going in a clockwise fashion with an uphill finish straight up the middle of the stairs...As in dgaddis and I piled up a bunch of branches on the left side of the trail (definitely the easiest path) to force racers into the center of the stairs (definitely more challenging). Being that JT won last time we let him start first. Roughly 11 minutes later he started up the stairs, got about three-quarters of the way up, and came unclipped resulting in the first fall of the evening. Being that JT's a dang good rider, I immediately thought, maybe making them ride up the stairs was a bad idea...nah, what was I thinking, this is no time to be soft, it's an MTB Race?! After watching everyone kill themselves trying to ride up the stairs a few of the racers figured out they didn't have to ride the whole way and started running their bikes up to the turnaround. But no one matched Ross and his cyclocross style dismount, to run up. We were still talking about it the next day in disbelief. He was like a giant gazelle fleeing a close encounter with a cheetah!
The Crossboss, part man, part gazelle, seconds before the run-up.
The expert and sport class racing continued, everyone was having fun, and the beginners were the last racers of the evening. One of them was barely familiar with the trail, the other doesn't own a bike and has never ridden the trail. This could have gone really bad, but thankfully both did really well and neither of them came back to the finish bloody or bruised. It seemed like they had a lot of fun, despite having no idea what they were getting into. And that's the whole idea behind this race series.
So dgaddis did some math, got everyone's times, and the victors were given their spoils. Third and second place received their trophies/beer shot glasses. First place for each class received a custom made trophy by myself...OK, so I just added some spice to the same 50 cent trophy everyone else got. Everyone was stoked on their winnings and we all hung out for a little race re-cap. Ah, yet another good time!
Now that's a trophy for the mantle! Look at that commercial style head. Perfect pour!
Click here for the official Canal Crown web page with results and pics.
Shredding with Giant...Easy as 1, 2, 3
More Digging than Riding
If you've ever spent more time working on a jump, trails, single track, ramp, or riding spot than actually riding your bike...welcome to the exclusive club of a select few. You're one of the unsung heroes behind the scenes keeping the scene alive. Pat yourself on the back because without you, chances are there wouldn't be much to ride. Keep digging, scraping, dialing, trimming, armoring, or whatever you want to call it, and then have something cold and gold...You've earned it! Here's to everyone keeping things running!
Canal Singletrack, Canal Crown Ready!
It's here...Giant XTC 29er!
Downtown Augusta in Dinosaur Jr Music Video
FYI the nice guys from FBM BMX did the bike stunts for the band members.
Georgia on My Ride
Bobby Boham in a Fat Tire Chug Off from Drew Jordan on Vimeo.
AJBW Tee Sighting
Winner Takes All!

Fallen Tree Free