This is sort of old news now, but news worthy nonetheless. New Belgium Brewery products are now being sold in Augusta! Not only does NBB make a fine brew, but they get extra support from me 'cause they love the bicycles. I mean they have a beer called "Fat Tire Ale" and just about everyone at headquartes rides a bike to work! We had the pleasure of attending the release party at the White's Building where we met some of the guys behind the company (see pic above) and imbibed in their fine craft. Great food was served, the beer was flowing like wine, and a bike from AJBW was to be raffled off at the end of the night. And that's where it gets interesting. The girl that ended up winning the raffle worked for AB Beverage. So she donated the bike to the Augusta Arts Council to be auctioned off as a fundraiser. The bike quickly went from $100 to $625 and then it came down to this...
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